Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Casting from a base class to a derived class

Today a friend of mine asked me how to cast from List<> to a custom MyCollection class, where MyCollection is derived from List<>. Is this possible?

This morning a friend of mine asked me how to cast a generic list to a custom class inherited from the generic list.

Let’s suppose we have the following class:

public class MyClass

and we need a collection of instances of this class, for example using the generic List<> class

List<MyClass> myCollection;

In order to improve readability, but also save time when writing code, we are often tempted to create a non-generic class implementing the list we need – even if we usually don’t really need such class

public class MyCollection : List<MyClass>

The problem arises when we use both the generic version and the custom version of the list in our code, and more specifically when we create an instance using the generic list and we need to pass this instance to a method expecting the custom version of the list:

// This is the method we need to call
public void DoSomething(MyCollection myCollection)

List<MyClass> myClass = new List<MyClass>();
DoSomething(myClass);							// This doesn't work

The code above generates an error during compilation, whereas a direct cast from List<MyClass> to MyCollection generates a runtime exception:

List<MyClass> myList;
MyCollection myCollection;

myList = new List<MyClass>();
myCollection = (MyCollection) myList;	// This generates a runtime exception

The problem is that List<MyClass> is a base class and MyCollection is a derived class, hence there is no way to explicitly perform the cast.

Let’s forget about lists and generics for a moment. We have to classes:

public class MyBaseClass
public class MyDerivedClass : MyBaseClass

If I write the following code:

MyBaseClass myBaseClass;
MyDerivedClass myDerivedClass;
myBaseClass = new MyBaseClass();
myDerivedClass = (MyDerivedClass) myBaseClass;    // This generates a runtime exception

The last statement obviously causes a runtime exception, as a downcast from a base class to a derived class cannot be done.

Unhandled Exception: System.InvalidCastException: Unable to cast object of type 'MyBaseClass' to type 'MyDerivedClass'.
at Program.Main()

The reason is that a derived class (usually) extends the base class by adding more state objects (i.e. data members). When we create an instance of a base class, its data members are allocated in the memory, but of course data members of inherited classes are not allocated. So, downcasting from a base to a derived class is not possible because data members of the inherited class are not allocated.

But if we instantiate MyBaseClass as MyDerivedClass the cast is allowed – in other words downcasting is allowed only when the object to be cast is of the same type it’s being cast to:

myBaseClass = new MyDerivedClass();
myDerivedClass = (MyDerivedClass) myBaseClass;

This because myBaseClass, although being a variable of type MyBaseClass, is a reference to an instance of MyDerivedClass.

In our problem, MyBaseClass is List<MyClass> and MyDerivedClass is MyCollection, so we are trying to cast an instance of a base class to an instance of a derived class. It’s evident why the cast we want to do is not allowed.

So, is there a solution? If we think in terms of casting, the answer is NO. What we can do is a conversion.

The difference between cast and conversion is that the cast operates on the same object instance, whereas a conversion creates a new copy.

We might think about implementing a conversion operator, either implicit or explicit, for instance:

public class MyCollection : List<MyClass>
    public static implicit operator MyCollection(List<MyClass> myClass)

but it won’t work, as the compiler generates a CS0553 error

'conversion routine' : user defined conversion to/from base class
User-defined conversions to values of a base class are not allowed; you do not need such an operator

The reason why the compiler denies such conversion is that the explicit cast operator from a base to an derived class is automatically generated, and we can’t override it with a new conversion operator.

The only viable solutions are either defining a copy constructor or implementing a method in the derived class which converts the base class to an instance of the derived class:

public class MyCollection : List<MyClass>   
    // Copy constructor   
    public MyCollection(List<MyClass> myList) : base (myList)   
    // Conversion method   
    public static MyCollection ToMyCollection(List<MyClass> myList)   

In both cases, anyway, the conversion implies the creation of a new instance of the object to be converted.


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